faith & amanda - faith is 3 months pregnant and is beautiful
myriah, aly & kelly - aly is 6 months pregnant and looks amazing; didn't my book club girls rock on the 80s outfits?! wish the photo showed myriah's leg warmers & 5" stilettos...
emily, jane and kirsten - emily & kirsten give the best new mommy advice ever & jane will be taking emily's newborn photos
faith, amanda & kelly - kelly is emily's godmommy and an overall incredible woman
kelly, wendy & jen - jen helped decorate even though she dodged the last photo!
kelly, kira, jessica & tina - kira is another book club rockstar; i knew jess & tina in high school and now we're all how times have changed
wow...what a load
[on the couch] supermodel brie, hot-mama kirsten, & always-super-smokin' jane!
jen, angela & kelly - angela let us take over her beautiful home for the entire day...all being 5 months pregnant and still glowing gracefully