
Old Wives Tales

I have come to the realization that they don't work. Shocking, I know. Short of stomaching castor oil, I convinced myself last week that it would be a good idea to try out the top 3...just in case. (a) Physical activity: Saturday 5K, Sunday hike to Benham Falls. (b) Mexican food. (c) Married people things. I can officially report that I am still pregnant! The good news is that it was good for me to be on a mission to pass the time, and the weather was absolutely beautiful last weekend. Check out the photos from Benham Falls - I don't think the dogs minded my little experiment at all.


BAILEY SHAKING OFF (I'm not the only one glowing now?!)





I finally managed to take some photos of the nursery, so here you go! We're all ready for her big day.


All Systems Are Go

I had my weekly OB appointment this afternoon, and great news...progress! My body seems to have realized there's a baby in there and is moving toward delivery. I'm dilated 1cm and 25% effaced, right on schedule according to the Dr. Considering I hadn't progressed at all 2 weeks ago, we were all very relieved. My Dr. is still planning on having an ultrasound next Friday if I haven't started labor, but she was far more optimistic today about not having to induce.




I had my weekly OB appointment on Tuesday, and THANK you Lord, my Doctor moved up my due date. It has been a quiet struggle between she and I the last several months. I know exactly when we got pregnant, and I just have had this feeling she was a week behind. All the measurements on my ultrasounds were measuring a week ahead. FINALLY, on her own (I'm learning patience) she measured me, looked at my chart and past ultrasounds, and served up the silver platter: an April 24 date.

Here's the scoop: if I haven't entered 'spontaneous labor' (sounds dangerously close to 'spontaneous combustion'...but I'm not going there) by my appointment on April 23, she's going to order an ultrasound to check the size of the baby. Because my pelvis is so small and the baby is measuring ahead of schedule (that's our little over-achiever!), she wants to give me a shot at a regular birth (vs. c-section). Based on that ultrasound (a.k.a. unless the baby has shrunk somehow) she'll induce labor.

I'm not a huge fan of being induced, but I also really want to try and have this baby naturally (and by naturally, I mean without surgery...drugs are still on the list!).