
a straight line

I have two favorites during the day: waking up my daughter with today's episode of "Where's The Binkie?" (includes a very serious search of her crib, tossing in the air her bed toys and eventually fishing it out from behind her crib with her golf clubs), and late night chats with my husband on the couch as we pretend to watch whatever is on TV. Given the exhaustion of first trimester pregnancy, our chats the last several weeks have given way to examining the backs of my eyelids.

Baby Bean and I are into our 13th week and thus at the threshhold of the lovely, I feel no pain--bring it on!, second trimester. The last few nights I've actually made it to bed without falling asleep on that uber comfortable shoulder. And so I was available for last night's chat.

"You know, you think you're going along on a straight line, and then Wham! something comes in your path that causes you to turn directions. It becomes this major change, leaving us feeling as though we're headed in a completely different way than we were going; but what's really happening is God is telling us how to stay on His straight line."

[Sidebar: I love my husband. He shows me up in the wisdom category all the time, and I just spoon it up.]

A slough of circumstances brought us to Portland the fall of 2009; none of which made sense at the time. The only thing we knew is God laid out the plan and made it work, undeniably. At the time our lives felt like a go-kart race; twists, turns, and really bad steering (ours, naturally). But once we made the decision to move everything fell into place. I know that sounds as passe as grandma's fruitcake, but there's simply no other way to say it. Nothing was left to question, it all worked.

The luxury of hindsight [Something I personally wish was sold at Costco. In bulk.] has shown us that we are capable of handling the next bend in the road, and so now the prayer becomes that our eyes will be open to see it when it next comes.

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