
twenty questions

Now that my baby bump is freaking h-u-g-e in comparison to when I was at the same point in my pregnancy with Emily, I am often approached by women: "when are you due?", "is it your first?", "how are you feeling?", etc. [The latter is my personal favorite because, naturally, I'm going to enter into a conversation with a TOTAL STRANGER about the comings and goings of my internal organs during this experience. Mmkay.] But most often the question is, "are you going to find out what it is?" followed by the inevitable "what do you want, a boy or girl?"

It seems like a natural question to ask, but answering the same question a thousand times got me thinking. Do I even care whether it's a boy or a girl? I mean really care. There's always the politically correct "we'll be happy no matter what the baby is" answer, but what about the deep down in your gut "holy crap, what if we have a _______" answer?

David wants a boy. Sorry to blow your cover babe, but there it is. He wanted a boy the first time, actually. But it was a fear-driven response, not a logical one. Every time we'd pass a group of high school girls, see the cheerleaders at a football game, or click past a lipstick commercial his blood pressure would rise, he would look at me and say, "we are NOT having a girl!" He was completely serious. And completely freaked out. It's a good thing we didn't have a cute little blonde-haired blue-eyed baby girl with so much personality she fills the room.

Let's move on shall we?

Being a stay-at-home-mom was never in my 5-year plan. It wasn't ever going to be in my 5-year plan. It just wasn't on the priority list. And alas, there I was with a beautiful baby in my arms, unable to think about anything else. I have the best job. Ever. Seriously, show me another job where you get to play with Strawberry Shortcake (whose hair smells EXACTLY the same, by the way), have playdates every day (total toss-up as to whether these are more fun for the grownup or the kiddo) and get to cut the crust off your peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.

For example, yesterday afternoon we realized it was getting close to bedtime and Emily had energy to spare. David asked me, "any ideas how to get her to burn it off?" Moments later she was accessorizing me with beads, sunglasses and headbands for our dance party of Al Green, a little Green Onions and our personal favorite, Ray Charles. David, while certain he needed to remain stoic to preserve his man-card, couldn't help but laugh with us. So fun.

So when the first brave person asked me whether I wanted a boy or girl, I had two thoughts. First, I looked down at Emily and thought, "I have my girl. Whatever's next is the icing." That's how I feel. I have this awesome girl to play with, dress up with, show how to love the Lord and someday respect and admire her husband. If that isn't the cake, I don't know what is.

The second thought I had was to deck the woman. I mean, if we're being honest here, let's be honest. Do I know what I want? I want a healthy baby, you nut job. I want my friend that can't get pregnant to feel what it's like for the flutters to turn into kicks that wake you up at night. I want my friend that just miscarried at 24 weeks to wake up from her nightmare. And while we're at it, world peace. What a question. Next time I begin a similar conversation with a prego I pray I remember to keep it in perspective. "What do I want?" How about "what a blessing." I think next time I'll try that on for size.


  1. :)
    I love you, friend.

  2. Very interesting questions you encounter! I love your blogs Amanda! And I know you will have a healthy, happy baby boy or girl! Next to Emily, it will be twice the fun. :) xo


  3. I love how honest you are. With my kiddo #2 I had my heart set on a girl & really thought it was until the ultrasound tech immediately said "its a boy" I was disappointment at first, mainly because we're only having 2 kids (I think)& the pregnancy was so different that I figured it had to be the opposite sex. I wouldn't take a girl now for anything! :) Having 2 kids is awesome. your going to love to watch them interact with each other.

  4. Wow. I love how you write, and even more-so, I love your level-headed and sympathetic thoughts :). Miss you like crazy, sister!!

  5. Can't wait to meet the "icing"! You're so right....a healthy baby is ALL that matters. xxxooo

  6. you are such a gifted writer, amanda! now, I want to see some baby bump pics! ; )

  7. You bring tears to my eyes. . . .I adore you, my friend! xo xo, Megan

  8. I love this, it's so true! And now, at 30 weeks pregnant with our second boy- our icing- I'd really like some cake with icing. UGH! :P

  9. i remember being pregnant with Alli and I got so tired of people asking me if it was my first? When are you due? I told Ben I was going to start answering those questions with...no its my sixth baby and I don't even know who the dad is...just to get a rise out of people. lol. Good luck!

    The flutters to the kicks is quite the experience. I loved feeling them movin around. fun fun.

